First, it's been kind of a sad/interesting/weird night after hearing of the passing of our sweet prophet, President Hinckley. Weird in the sense that President Hinckley has been the prophet most of my growing up, and it's going to be weird to not see him at Conference and other Church meetings. I was up in Rexburg this past weekend for the temple open house, and President Hinckley was scheduled to be there this coming weekend for the dedication. After I got home from Rexburg this afternoon, I was reading one of President Faust's last talks he gave before he passed away and was thinking about how President Hinckley isn't going to be with us much longer, and then about an hour later found out he had passed away. Interesting how things like that happen. I'm grateful for the opportunities I have had to be in attendance at meetings where he was present. What an incredible leader he has been!

I mentioned I was up in Rexburg this weekend...it was soo fun to get away for the weekend after a busy week at work! It was amazing to be able to go to the temple open house after having watched that beautiful temple be built! Rexburg has changed soo much in the last 5 years...part of me is excited for all the new changes, but part of me wants it to stay the same! I stayed with Erin and Spencer in Sugar City...who would have guessed that Erin would end up in Sugar??!! I think it's kinda funny and Erin and Spencer are so funny together! Erin and I stayed up til atleast 1 in the morning both nights just talking and talking and talking...so much fun! I think I secretly still wish I was in Rexburg! :) Oh...one other thing...I have NEVER seen Rexburg with as much snow as they have right now! It was incredible!
The next couple weeks are going to be pretty busy...I'll be down in Anaheim from February 8-13 for a trade show with work. I'm excited to go down there and hopefully catch up with some friends! Hopefully sooner than later I'll have a camera...I'm going crazy without one! Cell phone pics might have to work as a temporary fix!