Last month we had a fun creative activity at work...screen printing! All of us creative peeps designed a little something and then over two days, we headed over to one of my co worker's houses and printed the afternoon away! It's always nice to get a little 'creative break' from work :)
I printed this little ditty up on some shirts and some AC textured cardstock:

Want one?? Leave a comment, and I'll select a random commenter on Monday (because Monday's a holiday and that'd be fun to have a winner on a holiday, right?)...and I'll drop a poster in the mail to you (and maybe even with a little something extra :) Just be sure to tell me in your comment if you're sad to see summer end or if you're happy to see fall coming. Deal?
I'll answer first: I drove with a friend up the canyon yesterday afternoon, and the air was slightly crisp and so refreshing. Yes, I'm just a *little* excited for fall to be here!