Sunday, April 27, 2008
The 5-Leaf Clover
You know those sacrament meetings when you're trying to focus on the things that are being said, but for whatever reason you can't focus? That was me today! I even got my notebook out to take notes, but I ended up doodling instead! I just kinda started drawing nothing in particular, and then my roommate, Christy, leaned over and said, "that looks like a 5-leaf clover!" This is what that doodle turned into....
...and yes, I did sign and date it. It's art.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Friday Night Plans:
* watch Father of the Bride, 1 & 2
* organize computer files
* balance check book (didn't do it last week)
* begin 'project: detox Lindsay's room' (must get done before mom comes on Wednesday!)
* organize computer files
* balance check book (didn't do it last week)
* begin 'project: detox Lindsay's room' (must get done before mom comes on Wednesday!)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Little Slice of Spring!

Other signs of spring:
*tulips are blooming
*sprinklers watering the lawns
*longer nights
*crazy weather
*birds, butterflies and bugs everywhere!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Happy Saturday!
So Traci and I kind of had a little change of plans...we ended up not doing anything on that list that I made yesterday of things that we were going to do! Instead, we hung out at her house for a little while and Katie and Joe came over to play for a few minutes. Then we made it back to my place, where we got all ready for our sleep over and turned on Traci's favorite movie: High School Musical 2! She knows all the words to all the songs! This morning, we got up and did a few Saturday morning chores around the house and then went to the store to get some things so we could plant flowers for my little balcony! Traci was such a big help!
Funny story: when we were at Lowe's this morning, I told Traci that she could go over and look at the fountains while I waited in line to pay. A minute later, the emergency alarm is going off and Traci comes running back over to me with a sad look on her face. It turned out that Traci was trying to help a butterfly get outside, so she opened the emergency door to let it out! Needless to say, I think she was a little embarrassed, but we fixed the situation by stopping by Chili's on the way home and getting some strawberry lemonade! Never underestimate the power of a good lemonade!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Tagged...Again! :)
I was tagged by my friend, Steph, who herself was really excited to get tagged because she had never been tagged before! :) I haven't been tagged with this one before, so here's my little response! Also, I usually like to have a picture to go along with each post, but I couldn't decide on a pic that would work for this post, so I'm counting my new blog header as a pic! Like it??
Four Jobs I've Had:
1. Pebbles Inc (designer!)
2. BYU-Idaho Activities Communications (designer!)
3. Student Instructor (taught computer skills for an intro to graphic design course at BYUI)
4. Melaleuca (customer service rep)
Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over:
(I don't usually watch movies more than once, but there are a few I really love!)
1. Beaches (totally makes me cry *without fail* every time!
2. Devil Wears Prada (love it!)
3. Napoleon Dynamite
4. Patch Adams
Four Places I Have Lived:
(I think I'll list *all* the places I've lived for this one, starting with the most recent!)
1. Provo, Utah
2. Orem, Utah ( to Provo, but still...)
3. Rexburg, Idaho (for school!)
3.5. Nauvoo, Illinois (for a semester!)
4. Edwardsville, Illinois (for a summer)
5. Danville, California
6. Bellingham, Washington
7. Danville, California (yes, again)
8. Orange, California
9. Santa Maria, California
10. Westminster, California
Four TV Shows I Love:
1. PROJECT RUNWAY (no question...all time favorite!)
2. American Idol (who's your favorite this season??)
3. The Office (Jim and Pam are getting engaged!!)
4. Oprah (I'm usually still at work when it's on...and I like her shows most of the time...sometimes she has interesting ideas on things)
Four of my Favorite Foods:
1. Sunday dinner (roast, mashed potatoes and asparagus!!)
2. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip muffins
3. Lasagna
4. Chips and homemade guacamole with NO tomatoes in it!
Four Sites I Visit Daily:
1. design*sponge (without. fail. every. single. day.)
2. print & pattern (after I check design*sponge!)
3. Gmail (love this email!)
4. etsy (I'm always looking here for ideas!)
Four Places I Have Vacationed:
1. New York City
2. Caribbean
3. Hawaii
4. Yellowstone
Four Things I Did Today
(My little cousin Traci is spending the night tonight, so here's a list of what we're doing while she's here!)
1. Get some dinner
2. Pedicures
3. Make a music video
4. Watch our music video!
Four Things I Plan To Do This Week
1. Balance check book
2. Get some packages in the mail
3. Put winter clothes away!
4. Plant some flowers for my porch!
Ta Da! Done! I'll post more this's going to be busy! I'm speaking in Church on Sunday, so I've gotta get all my thoughts figured out on paper!
Also, St. Louis had a 5.2 earthquake this morning...everything is fine with my family, and it didn't keep my mom from playing tennis this morning! :)
Happy Friday!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Week in Review...
It's been a crazy busy week! Here it is in review:
Monday: This is what I woke up to! I'm ready for winter to be over and summer to be here! I was tempted to get back into my warm bed and take the day off from work! I left for work at my usual time--about 7:55 and typically get to work at about 8:00. I live maybe 2 miles from work. My five minute "commute" turned into an hour and 15 minutes! As I turned onto University Parkway, I quickly realized I should have taken a different route to work...there were several cars that were stuck driving up the hill and had to get towed, causing a major backup. Don't worry car was a champ and made it all the way up the icy hill!
That night, I met up with Erin at Ikea for dinner and some shopping! It was fun to meet up at our of our favorite stores!
Tuesday: April Fool's Day! We (meaning us at work) *might* have put our boss' car up for sale on Craigslist! It was soo funny! She got several calls throughout the day about her car and could not figure out who posted her car for sale until...
Wednesday: I confessed that it *might* have been my idea to put it up for sale! She couldn't stop laughing! I think she accused everyone else of being the one to put it up, but she never suspected that I could have been the one!
Thursday: Finished working on the Wedding and Heritage line at work...I'm really excited about how they turned out! I'll post pictures later...
After work, I headed up to Bountiful to do a wedding announcement for my friend's brother and then down to the Gateway in Salt Lake to meet up with Erin for dinner and some more shopping!
Friday: I stayed at work late to get the wedding announcements printed. I got home at about 8:30, put pjs on, put the announcements together and went to bed! So exciting for a Friday night, huh?
Today and Tomorrow: General Conference! I love going to the Conference Center to watch Conference, but it's also nice to be able to watch it at home, and that's what I'm doing this time around!
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