My new fave, fave, FAVE site:
Pinterest! I've heard about the site for several months now, but didn't really "get it" til this week, when
Sarah was kind enough to show me the basics, and now I'm totally loving it! I've had my little
inspiration blog for almost two years now, but it's pretty time consuming to save a picture, remember where it came from, post it, link to the original source, etc. Pinterest is a virtual idea board, where you can organize and keep track of all your ideas. So simple.
Here's the quick run-down: When you sign up for Pinterest, it'll give you the option to add Pinterest to your browser toolbar. Add it; it'll make things so easy-peasy. Next, when you're browsing the internet and you come across an image on a website you want to catalog, click on the "Pin It" button in your toolbar.

A window will pop up that has all the images from the page that you're on. Find the image you want to "pin;" click "pin this."

Another window will pop up with a drop down menu. On your profile, you can set up categories for the different things you want to organize. Choose one of the categories and add a description for your image. Click "pin it" and it will be added to your pinterest wall.

Done and done. Such a brilliant site. Oh, and the best part about Pinterest: it takes care of linking back to the original source of the image. Too often, I find an image with no link to the original source, but this takes care of all that. Gone are the days of "bookmarking" images! Have fun pinning!