Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July Weekend

Has the 4th already come and gone? It was such a great weekend! Non-stop from Friday afternoon to Sunday night. Britt and I took off Friday afternoon and went boating with some friends in the ward...I don't think that we could've asked for a more beautiful day! Beautiful weather, good company, great music (in honor of MJ!). Doesn't get any better. (The picture in the lower right corner is for Erin...I laughed out loud when I saw this sign...I know you've always wanted to know what Pablo looked like. Well, here's an official illustration of what he looks like!)
Got back to Provo just in time to make it over to Katie's place for neighborhood fireworks. Little Claire loved most of them...she wasn't too fond of the super loud ones, so Katie sat with her hands covering Claire's ears and that seemed to work well.

Saturday morning came too soon and I found myself at the starting line at the Freedom Festival Run at 7:00 am! It was early but it was fun--people were dressed up crazy, the hot air balloons were launching as we started the race, it was the perfect temperature to be running. I'm glad I did it!

The rest of the 4th was filled with floating the Provo River, swimming, BBQ-ing, snow cones, fireworks, time with friends and family. It was such a great weekend...what a great way to celebrate America!

At my parents house for the last 10+ years, we've had this poster hanging in the rec room that was bought at the Smithsonian. I have no idea how many times I've read it, but I know it's a lot! I will never forget the Preamble to the United States Constitution! :) I remember thinking it was the coolest poster when we first got it--and still all these years later, it brings back lots of memories. Whenever we'd have friends over, we'd always have races to see who could recite it the fastest!


scrappermimi said...

Hi Lindsay! Great to put a face with your name!

Very cool poster, my son loved it!

Spencer and Erin said...

haha!!! Pretty sure that is exactly what Pablo looks like!!! what a creepy little creature...thanks for thinking about me...