Last trip home to St Louis was kind of bittersweet. Littlest sis, Sarah, graduated. No more high school graduations--yay! No more trips to Edwardsville--sad. For the last 6+ years, St Louis has been "home" for me, even though I never really lived there. The motto in our family is "the plan is, the plan will change." I wish I were good with change--I'm really good with change when others are involved in whatever is changing, but sometimes going through change solo is kind of hard. But that's ok! Life is supposed to be an adventure, right?
So the funny thing with my parents moving to Houston is this: I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say now when I'm asked where I'm from! Is my hometown where mom and dad currently reside? Where we've lived the longest? What state we've lived in longest? Where I graduated high school? (I went to three high schools, so that's kind of a trick question :) I've been in Provo for going on 4 years now, so am I from Provo now? Input, please.
Life is good, it's sunny out, and it's Saturday. Best day ever.
AGREED. Today is beautiful! I replanted my tomatoes and I'm kind of obsessed with yard work. Even though it's not my yard. Best. Day. Ever.
If asked, in your situation I would respond with the following: "I live in Utah, but I'm not from there (here). I from where ever you want me to be from!"-- giggity giggity!
Hi, I stumbled onto your blog. I know exactly whatcha mean, I'm just about to post my situation with 'change' lately. My parents are also moving, which I'm dreading. Since we've always lived close. I moved around a lot growing up. But I call my hometown Sacramento, Cali. But now I've been in Az just as long now, so...I dunno either where to say I'm from.
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