On my 23rd birthday, my mom and I were in New York City for a tradeshow! We had so much fun seeing as much as we could in the few days that we were there! Some highlights: Surtex and the National Stationery Show, my birthday dinner at Chocolate By The Bald Man (chocolate restaurant!), conquering the subway system, going to a taping of Good Morning America, Mamma Mia!, shopping, good food and good friends!

June/July: Moved to Utah, started a new job, went on a road trip with Erin and Spencer to Rexburg for 4th of July, took Erin and Spencer's engagement pictures!

August: Katie and Joe's wedding!

September: Erin's wedding!

October: Road trip with Katie and Joe down to New Mexico for our cousin's wedding!
Oh...and a crazy Halloween! We dressed up at work and then later, Jac and I went to Salt Lake with some friends! Fun night!

November: Thanksgiving with the Otis pilgrims!
December: Christmas at home! Highlights: Christmas pajamas, Dad's crazy karaoke night, seeing WICKED as a family!

January: Moved into new apartment in Provo! (Sorry, no pics!)
February: CHA in Anaheim! Highlights: beautiful weather, meeting up with Channy and Leslie at Downtown Disney, seeing Natalie at the show!
March: Designer get-together with friends from school! Four of us girls are designers at scrapbook companies...fun!!
April: General Conference! We sustained a new First Presidency...what a beautiful experience!

May: Mom came for a visit, had a quick trip to DC, I turned 24, and David Cook won American Idol!!! I got an early birthday present while mom was here: a shiny new red bike! As soon as the weather figures out that it's summer, I'll be riding my bike to work! My roommate Andrea and I have gone for a few fun rides around town and up to Bridal Veil Falls! On my birthday, we had a birthday party at work complete with brownies, vanilla ice cream and homemade hot fudge! So good! Later, we had pizza, watched American Idol and got some Sub Zero ice cream! Fun birthday!

What a good year! Here's to another good one! :)