Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day! I'm so lucky to have my Dad as my Dad! He has always been a sweet example of righteous living to me. One of my favorite things to get from my dad are his emails that he sends at 4:30 am before he takes off for work. In these emails, he often is just dropping a note to say "hi" or "just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you!" Because of the nature of his work, safety seems to always be on his mind. I often find emails in my inbox from him about safety or the consequences of not being safe. Some recent tips from Dad include:

Don't leave aerosol cans in your car. If the conditions are right, the can will explode and could cause some serious damage.

When sneezing cover both your mouth and nose, and when possible, use a tissue and dispose of the tissue as soon as possible.

Stretch before lifting heavy objects. Use your knees when lifting heavy objects.

Put an ICE number in your cell phone.

Change the batteries in your smoke alarms twice a year.

Before traveling during periods of heavy rains and stormy weather, check on your route of travel for road and weather conditions in the area.

Perhaps one of the best "safety" emails I've received from my dad was sent to me one morning while I was in Nauvoo. It simply said, "I want to encourage you to continue doing all the things that so important to your spiritual health. Your spirit, just like your body, requires regular nourishment! Daily scripture study and private, personal prayers (in your secret “closet” as the New Testament mentions) are so essential. You are always in my prayers as I ask Heavenly Father to keep you safe and to allow you to have the companionship of the Holy Ghost."

Dad, I will forever be grateful for your example in my life. I love you, Dad!


Cephaloblog said...

What a cute picture of you and your dad! I loved the post!

C World said...

love the picture. where was it taken and when? too cute.

The Real Sugarbear said...

I just got your blog address from Mom. What a nice entry! Thank you sweetie, I love you so much!
