Monday, October 24, 2011

Floral Lane

Love, love, love the papers in the Floral Lane collection. Bright, fun colors; cute and simple patterns. The thing that makes this paper even more special is that it's printed on a textured cardstock, making it feel extra special, if you're into that kind of thing. (That would be me!) Click over to Facebook and "like" Pebbles and you could win a uge prize!

Yes, uge.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Tip

I sooo need to do this.

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Take 3

Missy Loo-hoo is almost three! Yikes. I decided at lunch today that it would be a good day to take Claire up the canyon for birthday pics. It's crazy how many pictures are almost identical to the ones we took last year. Only a handful of slightly-blurry-this-will-have-to-do pictures and the rest are all of her throwing rocks in the ocean river.* The leaves were a little past their prime, but we still enjoyed jumping in and throwing all the brown leaves.

Claire insisted on a pink cupcake after pictures, but when we got to the Sweet Tooth Fairy, she became set on the blue funfetti cupcake. Go figure. It's all about the frosting with this girl. Claire was done with pictures and put her hand up and said, "ok Lindsay, no more pictures please!" I had to stop because she said please.

Love this kid.

*Claire is convinced that any body of moving water is the ocean.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

'Tis the Season

For pumpkin! I could have taken a pretty picture of my pumpkin bread that just came out of the oven, but this picture is pretty much what it looks like. Less effort, right? I've been living off this bread for the last 3 weeks or so for breakfast and dinner. Add a little butter and it's heaven on earth! I'd even go so far to say that it's maybe even a little better than Great Harvest's Pumpkin Chocolate Chip bread.

Pumpkin Muffins/Bread Recipe

1/2 cup oil
1 1/2 cup flour
1 tsp soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 cup pumpkin
1/3 cup water

Mix all ingredients together. Bada bing, bada boom. For small muffins, bake for about 17 minutes; large muffins, bake for about 25 minutes. For pumpkin bread, fill pan about 2/3 full and bake for about an hour (until a knife inserted comes out clean). Bake at 350º.

Side note: It's worth doubling this batch doesn't last long! When you double the recipe, use one large can of pumpkin.

Oh--and chocolate chips are a good addition :)

Recipe credit: mamacita

Monday, October 17, 2011

Digially Distracted

So much to do, so much to be distracted by. If you love info graphics, this one's for you. Information Is Beautiful is a collection of beautifully organized info...I especially loved this one, except I'd put Pinterest at the top. For sure.

Just a random sampling from recent pins: 1 // pinterest. 2 // just be splendid tumblr. 3 // the good report. 4 // that's happy.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Life Lessons

(picture from 2005ish)

Meet Erin. Erin Carter (not to be confused with Aaron Carter, teen pop star). Erin and I met in our sophomore ward at BYU Idaho back in 2003. We pretty much did everything together--this pic is from when we worked for BYUI Event Staff and I think we were working on our "soccer pose."

Anyway, back to the point. I was just digging through my hard drive from school and found a file named "Life Lessons for Spencer" from November 2006 and had to open it. Just a few gems from the document:

Life Lessons, As Prepared by Autumn Winds Apartment #308

Lesson #5: Never swear girls off and say they are dumb.

Lesson #6: Ask out lots of different girls, but ask out girls that could potentially be compatible. Be sure to taste all the flavors of ice cream.

Lesson #7: Never call a girl "home-ly" and A) make sure that she dresses cute, but not too high maintenance and B) date girls who look cute in ALL situations.

Lesson #9: Ask out girls who have goals and aspirations, and who are motivated by things she is passionate about. Make sure she is confident in her potential.

Lesson #11: Don't ask out needy girls. It is good to have down time by yourself.

Lesson #12. Don't date girls that are dumb as dirt. 

Lesson #19: Date girls who have motherly qualities ie. cooking, cleaning, compassionate, first aid skills, etc.

Lesson #21: Never date drama queens.

Pretty profound life lessons, huh? Lesson #12 might be my fave. Oh, and the motherly qualities part. Erin and Spencer ended up getting married that next year. I like to think that Spencer did pretty well at following the outlined lessons :) Good times, sweet memories!

Lots going on these days...headed to Houston next week to spend some time at home. Lots to do between now and then! And our Cards just made it to the World Series! What-what! 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Dream Workspace

My workspace right now is looking rather...drab...especially next to this! The natural light, the organization, the colors. My folding card table will have to do for now :)

images via Little Green Notebook.