• that members of the mafia have summer homes in New Jersey and drive black Hummers with tinted windows?
• that when gas stations have their lights out, that it means they're being robbed and you should just keep on driving?
• that when you see a good deal at an antique shop, you should just buy it right then? (If you vocalize that it's a good deal, someone *without fail* will have heard you and swipe the said item out from under you.)
• that shopping
without a fanny pack
isn't essential? (I survived--and spent
plenty of money--without using a a fanny pack!)
• that my mom hasn't changed in 35 years (according to her junior high school friend)?
• that sitting in the back seat (where you can't see what's going on up ahead) is the best place to be?
• that eating ice cream (especially from McDonald's) every day is
essential to a well-balanced diet? And that when you pour hot fudge on ice cream, it'll melt a little?
• that change (according to some people) is NOT a good thing?
• that "keep it on the double-nickels" means keep your speed under 55 -OR- keep
at least two wheels of the car on the ground at all times?
• that I love my Aunt Sharon and Uncle (Leo!) Cliff and have loved spending the last week and a half with them?