Skype. I love it!
I had the lil' miss over the weekend and we Skyped with mom and Sarah...Dad was there, too, but his comfy recliner got the best of him! :) Whenever Claire's over at my place, she heads straight for my computer, and before I can catch up to her, she's either got the internet pulled up waiting for Elmo to turn on or she's got PhotoBooth on and laughing because she's on the screen! Smart little cookie, I tell ya. Oh, and the best news ever: Claire's going to be a big sister!
Katie & Joe find out soon what they're having...I can't wait!
Britt and I headed up to Sundance on Saturday, figuring that we'd just have a fun afternoon snowboarding on some good snow (considering we had a snowstorm the day before)! I haven't been snowboarding since my Bellingham, Washington days when we'd go up to
Mt Baker, some (cough, cough) 8ish years or so ago! I think I was mostly excited to just be outside in some fresh air and hoped that I'd remember how to get off the ski lift without breaking any bones! I think we got 5 or so runs in and totally had a blast! I woke up this morning feeling almost back to normal (5 days later!) To say that we were sore would be an understatement :) We totally got outdone by the little 3 and 4 year old kids on skis who have no inhibitions and fly down the mountain! They're all so cute.

ps...the "snow" was pure ice. Not quite what we were expecting, but we had fun!
There are lots of kind people in Provo. I never doubted this, but I was reminded of this fact the other night. While out on a little run in the rain, a lady pulled over and offered me her umbrella! Seriously?! I don't think the thought to offer my umbrella to someone out on a run would've ever crossed my mind. I think I need to work on that. That little Scout phrase, "do a good turn daily" has been running through my head ever since the umbrella incident. Why stop at just one turn daily? Anyways, just a thought. Something I need to work on.

On my little walk/jog/runs, my route takes me past a new cupcake shop in town,
The Cocoa Bean Cupcake Cafe. I've tried to hold off as long as possible, but I gave in last night. Dang it. I shouldn't have done it! Different flavors everyday...and I hear that the Nutella cupcake is A.MAZ.ING. Ms. CJane blogged about it
here...I picked a s'more cupcake up for myself and a "better than something" cupcake for a friend. Both were most excellent! Check it out.
During my blog reading tonight, I came across this picture:

As soon as I saw that picture, I kind of got a little sad. When I was 12, my mom gave me a ring that belonged to her mom, and I loved that ring. It was a super delicate gold ring just like this one, but it had 7 tiny little diamonds on it. I wore the ring everywhere. When it was time to go to college, I decided to leave it behind in my jewelry box because I didn't want anything to happen to it, and I've never seen it since. I would give anything to get that ring back! Maybe I could get this etsy seller to make me a custom ring?? It wouldn't hurt to ask.
That's all, for tonight anyways. I'm ready for the weekend.