(Above: Some of our ribbon on display at the show. I love the colors and I love the cute little flower charm that they come with!)
Most Embarrassing and Awkward Moment at CHA (MEAMCHA) award goes to...me! I don't know how I manage to get into these awkward situations. I think awkward should be my middle name.
Situation # Uno: Josh, Ashlee and I were in the hallway waiting for Paris to arrive. One of our manufacturers walked by, so we started talking with them (we'll call them "Graic" and "Yann") about the madness surrounding Paris' appearance. "Yann" told us that she had a gift from one of their friends back in Canada that she needed to give to Paris, but was too embarrassed to carry it around, so she kept it in her bag until she could actually give it to Paris. Hesitantly, "Yann" let us see what the gift was: a bra bag and panty pack from
The Brag Company! Curious about what the inside of these gifts looked like, I unzipped the panty pack and to my surprise found a pair of panties! Thinking that was kind of awkward, I said something stupid like, "Oh...they must include a panty to get you started!" "Yann" quickly grabbed the bag from my hands and was so embarrassed because apparently they were
her panties! Because the product was manufactured across the border and to avoid any problems at customs, "Yann" had to act as though the bra bag and panty pack were her personal travel products. Imagine if Paris had gotten these "gifts" with a pair of panties in them!
Situation # Dos: At the last three shows I've been to, I always see this guy who is a retailer that looks like Tom Cruise and Clark Kent/Superman and find him to be kind of attractive, but never would do anything about it...he's kind of just my CHA "crush" if you will. Josh spotted him coming towards our booth this afternoon and decided he was going to become friends with him. Josh started talking with him and told him how I've (as he points me out) seen him at the last few shows and have my own nickname for him! Josh also found out that he's married, but doesn't wear his ring... peculiar, right? I think I turned bright red, "nervous neck" took over and I now I have to find a new CHA crush. Unfamiliar with "nervous neck?" Ask me later.
Situation # Tres: Not hugely embarrassing, but still a little. This morning at the show, the fire alarm went off, so everyone had to evacuate the building. We were only outside for about a minute or two and then we were allowed back in the building, so we assumed that maybe the alarm had just been accidentally tripped and not necessarily set off by smoke. We never found out what happened and I had kind of forgotten about the whole situation. Later in the afternoon, there were some ladies that I had made conversation with, and they asked if I had heard what caused the alarm to go off. Not knowing what set it off, I said, "I'm sure glad that it wasn't anything serious and that the sprinklers didn't turn on. That would've put a
damper on the show!" The ladies thought I was so funny that I threw that pun in and I kinda felt embarrassed that they had actually caught my little "punny." But can you imagine if the sprinklers would've gone off?? Our booth would be a total loss because it's practically all paper and foam core!
Enough with the stories for now.
I was able to go over and see Chandice and Cam for a little while tonight! It's always fun to catch up with the Wingers! And to Cam, I love when you send me your jokes via text message...keep 'em coming! :)