Until then, some random questions and answers for your reading pleasure:
• First thing you wash in the shower? Shampoo my hair.
• What color is your favorite hoodie? Brown. It's probably going on about 5 years...it's been so good to me, but I'm afraid it's about time for it to retire.
• Do you plan outfits? Depends...sometimes I'll think about a church outfit, but not so much for work!
• How are you feeling RIGHT now? Happy and so ready for bed.
• What's the closest thing to you that's red? My phone.
• Did you meet anybody new today? I did...two people, actually! Adam and Mitchell (?) I think...
• What are you craving right now? Amanda (my roommate) made brownies tonight and I can still smell them...brownies are my weakness!
• Have you ever counted to 1,000? Yes, actually. I remember baby sitting for someone (back in the day) and the daughter had to count to 1,000, so I did with her.
• Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? Usually bite into it. I wish I didn't.
• Do you like your hair? Most of the time, yes. I like going between straight and curly.
• Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? Umm, yes. I'd be really nervous, but I would do it.
• What are you listening to right now? iTunes: Only You, by YAZ. Currently on repeat.
• Would you go sky diving? I'd go sky diving before bungee jumping.
• Do you like cottage cheese? When it's with pineapple or fresh strawberries, yes.
• Do you rent movies often? Sometimes...Monday nights at Albertson's, you can rent Redbox movies for free! I love Redbox!
• Have you made a prank phone call? Oh, yes. Pre-caller ID days were the best.
• Brown or white eggs? I don't think I've ever bought brown eggs for myself before, so white.
• Do you have a cell-phone? Yes
• Do you use chap stick? Burt's Bees is the best! I love when you lips kinda tingle a little bit when you use it
• Can you use chop sticks? I always try using them when they're available, but I can't quite figure them out, so I usually give up and just use a fork.
• Who are you going to be with tonight? Earlier we had an American Idol Results Roommates Party...Roommates + Adam and Mitchell + Matt = fun times.
• Ever have cream puffs? Yes and I l.o.v.e. them...especially with chocolate!
• Last time you cried? I think the last time i cried was the other night when we watched Marley and Me.
• Favorite time of the year? End of spring/beginning of summer and end of summer/beginning of fall
• Do you have any tattoos? Nope...but I've had a henna tattoo. Funny story behind that one.
• Have you ever walked into a wall? I don't know that I've walked into a wall, but I've walked into glass sliding doors. Not fun!
• Is your hair curly? Yes...
• What was the last CD you bought? Not off iTunes: Coldplay, Viva la Vida
• Do you like your life right now? Life is good...I think I'm about 95% satisfied right now.
• Do you sleep with the TV on? I love falling asleep to it...I find that this happens quite often and I end up turning it off at about 2 in the morning.
• Do you have good vision? I do now...I used to wear glasses, switched to contacts, and now my eyes are perfect!
• What are you wearing? I'm ready for bed: Wicked shirt and black shorts...so comfy!
• What is your favorite animal? Dogs...and I kind of wish that I had one right now!
• Can you hula hoop? I haven't hula hooped in for.ev.er, but I think I can still do it. It's like riding a bike, right?
• What was the most recent thing you bought? A new flat iron, but I don't like it...I think I need to return it and try a different one!