Friday, December 26, 2008
Sparkling and Bountiful!

Friday, December 19, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes
Friday, December 5, 2008
At work??!! With no note??!!
This kind of thing just doesn't happen to me...someone's up to something!
To the mysterious flower-dropper-off-er: Thanks so much--it was a welcome surprise for a Friday afternoon!
To everyone else: I'll get to the bottom of this one. Let me know if you have any ideas.
Thanks again, Linds
and ps...Please excuse the no-make up face. That's what happens when you get ready for work in 2.9 seconds!

To the mysterious flower-dropper-off-er: Thanks so much--it was a welcome surprise for a Friday afternoon!
To everyone else: I'll get to the bottom of this one. Let me know if you have any ideas.
Thanks again, Linds
and ps...Please excuse the no-make up face. That's what happens when you get ready for work in 2.9 seconds!
Monday, November 24, 2008
It's been such a great few days! The whole family is finally all together and it's been nice to just spend lots of time enjoying each other's company. Some highlights from the last few days:
• Family Pictures! Katharine was able to take our family pictures on Saturday morning--it was soo cold, but we survived and Katharine did an amazing job! Sarah's cheeks were bright pink by the time we were done!

• Sweet Baby Claire's baby blessing! It's hard to believe that Claire is already 3 weeks old--it seems like she's been with us for a lot longer than that! She is such a sweet baby...she sure is loved!
• Our 'early Thanksgiving' dinner on Sunday afternoon! It was soo good. The best part of Thanksgiving dinner? The leftovers!
• Dad learning about the Lindsay-Burn syndrome...
• Katie's in-laws (Rick, Shellie and Daniel) were in town for a few days! It was fun catching up with them!
• Celebrating Chris' 26th birthday with trick candles on his cake!
• Possibly the best part of the weekend? Going to the temple! I was able to go to the Provo Temple on Friday--such a sweet and enlightening experience. As my mom and I were on our way to the temple, she commented that 28 years previous (to the day!) she and my dad's mom went to the temple for the first time--at the Provo temple! (I think that added to the special-ness of the day!) It was so neat to be there with my family and a few close friends.
• Family Pictures! Katharine was able to take our family pictures on Saturday morning--it was soo cold, but we survived and Katharine did an amazing job! Sarah's cheeks were bright pink by the time we were done!
• Dad learning about the Lindsay-Burn syndrome...
• Katie's in-laws (Rick, Shellie and Daniel) were in town for a few days! It was fun catching up with them!
• Celebrating Chris' 26th birthday with trick candles on his cake!
• Possibly the best part of the weekend? Going to the temple! I was able to go to the Provo Temple on Friday--such a sweet and enlightening experience. As my mom and I were on our way to the temple, she commented that 28 years previous (to the day!) she and my dad's mom went to the temple for the first time--at the Provo temple! (I think that added to the special-ness of the day!) It was so neat to be there with my family and a few close friends.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I'm feeling so grateful tonight for so many prayers that have been answered in the last couple of weeks. I know when I put my trust in Heavenly Father, everything seems to work out in one way or another. With the arrival of sweet baby Claire to Dad's health scare and a few other experiences along the way, I have gained a deeper appreciation for prayer, faith, scriptures, family and good friends. I find myself laying in bed at night counting my blessings and become overwhelmed with a feeling of gratitude.
Last night, I was able to babysit Claire--granted, it was only for about 5 minutes--and we just hung out and had a good conversation! Katie and I have had some *interesting* moments with Claire, and we just have to look at each other and laugh ourselves silly! Marshall was so cute when he was leaving to go home last night. I think he said "bye" to Claire five times before he actually got out the door...he sure is loving his status as an uncle! I wish there was a better way to capture all the funny moments that we've had in the last few days with Claire. She's such a sweet baby. Somehow time seems to stop and everything is perfect for a brief moment when Claire is in your arms.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
More Pics!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Katie Update!
11:38 Update: WELCOME BABY CLAIRE ELIZABETH!! 9 pounds, 20 1/2 inches. Sweet, quiet little baby. Perfect in every way!
9:00 Update: Still hangin' in there!

7:00 Update: Still no baby. Boo. Katie must have a pretty comfy tummy!

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Quilt Update...
Saturday afternoon found me quilting the day away! Mom, Katie and I headed back to Material Girls to get the rest of the material for the quilts that we're working on. The top of my quilt is getting close to being done!
My Cooooold Halloween
Remember my costume from last year??? Well, it was resurrected. Not for long, but long enough to float down the Provo River wearing it! Brenda has been talking about floating the river in our costumes on Halloween for months, and I could never tell if she was really being serious or not. FYI: Brenda was serious. She even came to work wearing a life jacket under her costume! We took off from work after lunch, changed into costumes and made our way to the river...hesitantly, I might add! I'm still not quite sure how Brenda convinced us to tag along and make one of her dreams come true. It started raining on us when arrived at our destination which made us further question our decision to go floating. Definitely made for a memorable Halloween! Will I ever do that again? No. Was it freezing? Oh yeah. Do I have battle wounds? Yes. Will you see pictures of said battle wounds? Absolutely not. Any other questions I can answer for you?
Brenda's husband walked along the river and took pics along the way! We came across a few people out fishing, and I'm sure they were wondering if what they were seeing was really happening!
Later that night, we got all dressed up and went to Salt Lake for a little get-together. I think the best part of the night was the 'getting ready' part! Amanda = Fishy • Me = Peacock • Carly = She Devil • Britt = Zebra (or an Amazon)
Brenda's husband walked along the river and took pics along the way! We came across a few people out fishing, and I'm sure they were wondering if what they were seeing was really happening!
just me,
this is random,
what was i thinking
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hubba Bubba bubble gum = h-u-g-e bubbles! This little bubble is ready to pop, too! Mom's been in town for a week now and is just a *little* anxious for this little baby to come! She's currently having a little give-away on her blog...check it out over here. Katie's official due date is this coming Sunday, so we'll see if baby Claire will make her appearance on schedule!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Vote YES on Prop 8!

Here's a quick summary of what voting YES on Proposition 8 does:
• It restores the definition of marriage to what the vast majority of California voters already approved and what Californians agree should be supported, not undermined.
• It overturns the outrageous decision of four activist Supreme Court judges who ignored the will of the people.
• It protects our children from being taught in public schools that "same-sex marriage" is the same as traditional marriage.
Check out the links, join the discussion and (where possible) vote YES on Prop 8!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Conference Weekend!

Marshall and I looked over at one point during the Sunday afternoon session of General Conference and found Chris, his roommate Aaron, Katie and Joe all asleep! We thought it was pretty funny!
Some highlights from Conference:
• President Monson announcing 5 new temples, including one in Rome, Italy!
• Elder Perry's talk on the benefits of a simplified lifestyle
• President Uchtdorf's message of how hope, faith and charity work together (hope strengthens faith and leads to charity)
• Elder Holland: angels, whether seen or unseen, are always near
• Elder Wirthlin's story about his daughter and the blind date
• President Eyring: we must be unified; the Lord wishes that we become one, and as we do this, we will be blessed.
• Elder Hales: we must respond to those who criticize us in a Christ-like way; conversations should be marked with the fruits of the Spirit
• President Monson: there is no tomorrow to remember if we don't do something today; distinguish between what is and what isn't important; what is most important often involves those around us--we must show them that we love them; what would you say if you only had 25 words to use?; find joy in the journey
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Happy Birthday, Sarah!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Mad Skillz

Friday night found Katie, Carly (my roommate) and me putting our mad baking skillz to the test in Katie's kitchen whipping up a batch of cookies! Three hours later, we had a counter full of black and white cookies...they didn't quite turn out like we had hoped they would, but it was still fun making them!
Is that you??

Yes, that would be me in all those pictures. Ever wonder what you'd look like had you grown up in a different decade? Mom has told me on more than one occasion that I was born in the wrong decade, and I've always secretly wished I lived in the 50s! I've seen yearbookyourself.com on a few different blogs, and we've spent probably a *little* more time than we should at work playing on the site! The pictures that turn out the best are the ones the distorted ones that you take on the webcam!

just me,
what was i thinking,
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Yes, "Ganschmalfos." It's one of our very limited options for lunch at work. For the most part, they do a good job, but there's my "special" friend that works there that does a number on the sandwiches he makes. I've started joking around with him about the quality of the sandwiches he makes, but I don't think he gets it. There's typically avocado smeared all over the wrapper, so my hands are covered in green goo by the time I carry it back to work. Everything is usually falling out of the sandwich by the time it gets unwrapped. Does this happen to anyone else's sandwich? Never. It's always my sandwich that is totally destroyed and it's kind of become a joke in the office!
Today's sandwich? Turkey avocado bagel sandwich. Wanna see what it looked like?

Looks good, right? Oh well...they gave us large drinks for free today!
What else did we do at work today? Click HERE.
Today's sandwich? Turkey avocado bagel sandwich. Wanna see what it looked like?

Looks good, right? Oh well...they gave us large drinks for free today!
What else did we do at work today? Click HERE.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Work Stinks!!

(This is me, Brenda and Josh all trying to survive in our room!)
and ps...I wasn't going to share my babysitting experience from last week on here, but per Heather's request, I'm thinking about it. Look forward to it. Oh man...I'm just kind of laughing thinking about it. Fine...I give in. Here it goes:
Let me just start by saying I've NEVER had to call the parents in all my years of babysitting. Not once. I would almost consider myself a professional, if that's possible. So Katharine called last week for me to watch Addy and Luke for a couple hours...no problem, right? Katharine and James left and things were fine for about 20 minutes, when Luke realized his mom was gone and started crying. We walked around the house to settle him down, but then decided it might be a good idea to go outside and look at the cows in the field behind them. I left the back door open so we could stand on the porch and still see Addy contently watching her movie. A breeze came through and the door shut behind me and I instantly knew it was going to be locked--and locked it was. No problem, right? Luke started laughing because I think he kind of had a sense at what was going on. We tried the windows...no luck. Front door? Locked. We were able to distract Addy long enough from her movie to see if she could open the door and she started laughing and tried her hardest, but couldn't quite figure it out.
I remembered Katharine saying her friend might stop by with a key, so of course I'm hoping she would show up. Never happened. I heard the front doorbell ring, so Luke and I walked around to the front to find a lady from the Provo City "welcoming committee" wondering why I didn't come through the front door. I explained the situation and she asked if I had called the parents. My phone was safely locked inside, so of course I hadn't! She wished me luck with the situation and left me with the welcoming packet and no offer of helping us! (Welcome to Provo, Katharine!) We went back around to keep an eye on Addy, hoping the friend would come by with the key. I'm sure Addy was loving being queen of the house! She was laughing and had to have been wondering why we wouldn't come in and play with her!
Another 20 minutes or so went by and I finally gave in and went to the neighbor's house to see if they had Katharine's cell number, or knew of someone in the ward who would have it. We found the number and called several times hoping Katharine would pick up so we could get the code to the garage door. We got the code and were able to get in the house where Addy was just laughing at us and just wanted us to come watch her movie with her!
I'm sure Katharine has moved me to the top of her babysitter list! :) Needless to say, I totally felt like a lame-head! Now you know who to call for your babysitting needs...right???
Do you had any exciting/crazy/weird babysitting stories?? Please, do share...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Check it out!
Just doing my morning blog reading and saw that my BYU Idaho friend, Lizzy, is featured today on print & pattern! Lizzy has a new fabric line debuting this fall and I can't wait for it to be available!

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Weekend Plans...
...to watch THESE and begin working on my end of summer/beginning of fall project:

I've loved Heather Bailey's fabric since the first time I saw it! I've been gathering my fabric for the last month or so (THANKS Brenda!!!) and I've finally figured out what I want this quilt to look like. I'll post pictures as it starts to take shape!
The Olympics have been incredible so far! I love hearing the inspiring stories on how different athletes made their way to the Olympics. I love that Michael Phelps won 8 gold medals. I love that Dara Torres is old enough to be the mother of some of the other women she swims against...and that she won a silver medal at age 41. I love that Trampoline is an official Olympic sport...and Handball. I love hearing about the drama and I love that we still have another week to watch. I love the Olympics!

I've loved Heather Bailey's fabric since the first time I saw it! I've been gathering my fabric for the last month or so (THANKS Brenda!!!) and I've finally figured out what I want this quilt to look like. I'll post pictures as it starts to take shape!
The Olympics have been incredible so far! I love hearing the inspiring stories on how different athletes made their way to the Olympics. I love that Michael Phelps won 8 gold medals. I love that Dara Torres is old enough to be the mother of some of the other women she swims against...and that she won a silver medal at age 41. I love that Trampoline is an official Olympic sport...and Handball. I love hearing about the drama and I love that we still have another week to watch. I love the Olympics!
Catch Up!
It's been a busy couple of weeks!
My good friend, Beth, came to visit two weeks ago! Beth's currently in Houston, but we met a couple summers ago when I was at home in Edwardsville--I was getting ready to finish my last year at school and she was getting ready to finish her last year of her master's degree! We pretty much did everything together that summer! Anyways, while she was here, my friend, Ashley, came down from Bountiful one afternoon so we could float down the Provo river! I don't think I've ever been in such cold water for so long! About halfway down the river, the winds picked up, the sun hid behind the clouds, there were a couple rumbles of thunder and it started sprinkling on us...needless to say, I was a *little* anxious to get out of the river. After a few major bumps along the way, we finally made it out. My backside is still showing some of the battle wounds...Anyways, this picture is from a couple summers ago when Ash came out to visit, and the three of us--Beth, Ashley and me--went to a Cardinals game...a game that the Cards lost because Beth was in attendance! :)

This last week, Gnickie and Josh were in town and we were able to meet up for dinner! Gnickie and I were in the same ward my sophomore year at school and we were roommates my junior year. It's never a dull moment when G-Nick and Josh are around! Rumor has it that they'll be back in Utah after Josh is done with school......wait, I might have just started a rumor....

Marshall and Dad are making their way out west this coming weekend and I'm so excited! Channy and fam are also making their way out here this week, too! It's hard to believe that summer is nearly over, but I'm excited for fall...it's going to be fun!
Can you tell we're sibblings??
My good friend, Beth, came to visit two weeks ago! Beth's currently in Houston, but we met a couple summers ago when I was at home in Edwardsville--I was getting ready to finish my last year at school and she was getting ready to finish her last year of her master's degree! We pretty much did everything together that summer! Anyways, while she was here, my friend, Ashley, came down from Bountiful one afternoon so we could float down the Provo river! I don't think I've ever been in such cold water for so long! About halfway down the river, the winds picked up, the sun hid behind the clouds, there were a couple rumbles of thunder and it started sprinkling on us...needless to say, I was a *little* anxious to get out of the river. After a few major bumps along the way, we finally made it out. My backside is still showing some of the battle wounds...Anyways, this picture is from a couple summers ago when Ash came out to visit, and the three of us--Beth, Ashley and me--went to a Cardinals game...a game that the Cards lost because Beth was in attendance! :)

This last week, Gnickie and Josh were in town and we were able to meet up for dinner! Gnickie and I were in the same ward my sophomore year at school and we were roommates my junior year. It's never a dull moment when G-Nick and Josh are around! Rumor has it that they'll be back in Utah after Josh is done with school......wait, I might have just started a rumor....
Marshall and Dad are making their way out west this coming weekend and I'm so excited! Channy and fam are also making their way out here this week, too! It's hard to believe that summer is nearly over, but I'm excited for fall...it's going to be fun!

Saturday, August 9, 2008
In Love...
...with the rain! My door is wide open so I can enjoy the thunder and rain storm we're having. Love it.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
St Louis Recap!
I never know what to title these blog entries, and I feel like my titles are always so boring! Oh well. After Chicago, I spent the next week at home in Edwardsville! Here goes the recap:
• Monday morning started super early to catch my flight down to St Louis, where Mom picked me up and we had breakfast at the most amazing crepe shop in the city! They make all kinds of crepes and have the best fresh-squeezed orange juice! We ran errands and hung out for the rest of the day!
• We had a HUGE storm during the night--possibly one of the most intense storms I've ever been in! The thunder and lightning was so intense that the whole house was shaking! It knocked the power out at Dad's refinery for a few days, so Dad was able to spend Tuesday and Wednesday at home! Mom took off for the rest of the week to spend time with her sisters down in Mesa--they're a crazy bunch! Check out her BLOG for some pics of her crazy week! :)
• Sarah and I decided to head north to Grafton for the day to go to Raging Rivers! You take the Great River Road to get there and the water park is right on the river! There are just a few rides at the park, but it's fun because as you're going down the slides, you can see the Mississippi River! The River has gone down about 15 feet or so since it crested a few weeks ago, but you could see on the sides of buildings how high up the river had gone!
• On Thursday, Sarah and I got a little bit of shopping in! While we were out, we got all the fixins for a good dinner...
fresh pineapple, spinach salad, and Zombie Boogie style meatballs! Zombie Boogie Juice is a pineapple-habanero BBQ sauce my family discovered while living in Illinois that is unlike any other sauce I've ever had and so good!
• Dad took Friday off so that we could go hang out while Marsh and Sarah were at Youth Conference! We went into the city and had PF Chang's for lunch...yum! Later in the afternoon we saw The Dark Knight...I don't think I'll ever see that movie again! Just a little *too* intense for me and I think I didn't sleep very well that night because I think I was dreaming about the movie!
• Sarah and Marsh were at Youth Conference again on Saturday, so Dad and I had another fun day just hanging out! We BBQ'd for lunch--Dad's a pro at that sort of thing! Later we decided to get some custard from Bobby's...it's pretty much the most amazing custard ever! As it turned out, it was classic cars night featuring '55-'57 Chevy's...Dad was loving it (and I thought it was fun, too!) So we enjoyed our custards and walked around and looked at all the fun cars!
Later that night was the Pioneer Day Celebration Concert that was being broadcast from the Conference Center with the Tabernacle Choir and The Osmonds...I thought it was kind of an awkward 'concert'...one minute was pioneer-type-ish songs, and then the next minute the Osmonds were out singing their hits with their cartoon things playing behind them! I thought it was awkward, Mom kinda liked it. If you saw it, what did you think??
• Anyways...I left Sunday morning, so naturally I packed on Sunday morning! This weird little thing happens whenever I leave home...I get all emotional and choked up! I hate when that happens! Dad dropped me off at the airport and it was all I could do to keep the tears from coming! I'm not sure why this weird thing happens, but it always does! I wish I lived closer to home so it wasn't such an ordeal to go home for a quick little vacation! Oh well. I was talking to Mom tonight and she said it's looking like plane tickets to go home for Christmas are going to be around $600! Yikes! Time to start saving for that trip!
Dad and Marshall will be making the trek out here to Utah in a couple weeks...I'm so excited! Marshall will be starting at BYU this fall and Katie and Joe will be back here at the end of the month. Sibbling Reunion! I think we'll for sure have to have a party! Everyone will be invited!
• Monday morning started super early to catch my flight down to St Louis, where Mom picked me up and we had breakfast at the most amazing crepe shop in the city! They make all kinds of crepes and have the best fresh-squeezed orange juice! We ran errands and hung out for the rest of the day!
• We had a HUGE storm during the night--possibly one of the most intense storms I've ever been in! The thunder and lightning was so intense that the whole house was shaking! It knocked the power out at Dad's refinery for a few days, so Dad was able to spend Tuesday and Wednesday at home! Mom took off for the rest of the week to spend time with her sisters down in Mesa--they're a crazy bunch! Check out her BLOG for some pics of her crazy week! :)
• Sarah and I decided to head north to Grafton for the day to go to Raging Rivers! You take the Great River Road to get there and the water park is right on the river! There are just a few rides at the park, but it's fun because as you're going down the slides, you can see the Mississippi River! The River has gone down about 15 feet or so since it crested a few weeks ago, but you could see on the sides of buildings how high up the river had gone!

• Dad took Friday off so that we could go hang out while Marsh and Sarah were at Youth Conference! We went into the city and had PF Chang's for lunch...yum! Later in the afternoon we saw The Dark Knight...I don't think I'll ever see that movie again! Just a little *too* intense for me and I think I didn't sleep very well that night because I think I was dreaming about the movie!
• Sarah and Marsh were at Youth Conference again on Saturday, so Dad and I had another fun day just hanging out! We BBQ'd for lunch--Dad's a pro at that sort of thing! Later we decided to get some custard from Bobby's...it's pretty much the most amazing custard ever! As it turned out, it was classic cars night featuring '55-'57 Chevy's...Dad was loving it (and I thought it was fun, too!) So we enjoyed our custards and walked around and looked at all the fun cars!

• Anyways...I left Sunday morning, so naturally I packed on Sunday morning! This weird little thing happens whenever I leave home...I get all emotional and choked up! I hate when that happens! Dad dropped me off at the airport and it was all I could do to keep the tears from coming! I'm not sure why this weird thing happens, but it always does! I wish I lived closer to home so it wasn't such an ordeal to go home for a quick little vacation! Oh well. I was talking to Mom tonight and she said it's looking like plane tickets to go home for Christmas are going to be around $600! Yikes! Time to start saving for that trip!
Dad and Marshall will be making the trek out here to Utah in a couple weeks...I'm so excited! Marshall will be starting at BYU this fall and Katie and Joe will be back here at the end of the month. Sibbling Reunion! I think we'll for sure have to have a party! Everyone will be invited!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Chicago Recap!!
Back from Chicago and St. Louis! It was a crazy and busy and fun break--it's not easy to come back to work after playing for a week! We had some idols on our flight over to Chicago...yes, THESE idols! 8 of the top 10 American Idols were on our flight! David A and C were MIA, but the rest were all there: Chikeze, Ramiele, Michael, Kristy, Carly, Brooke, Jason, and Syesha! At the SLC airport, everyone for the most part left them alone, but as soon as they got off the plane in Chicago, people swarmed around to get pictures and autographs! It was fun seeing them in person after being a faithful watcher this past season!
On Thursday after we got our booth all set up, Ashlee, Danielle and I headed down to Navy Pier!
We had fun walking up and down the pier and tried to stay in as much shade as possible--it was so hot and humid! We had some good food from Bubba Gump...so good! After dinner, we headed towards Michigan Avenue! All the shops were closed, but it was fun to walk up and down that famous street! We caught a taxi to get back to our metro stop and passed by Millennium Park and THIS sculpture...I wish we could have spent more time downtown, but I guess I have a reason to go back!
We had fun at the show...a lot smaller than the Anaheim show, but we still had a good time!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Have any suggestions on things to do in Chicago?? Lemme know! We might be able to squeeze a few fun things in!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Gotta Love the 'Burg!
What a crazy-fun weekend! The weekend started at about 4 am Friday morning...I'm still not sure how I made it up that early! I headed out the door by 5 to meet up with Luke and Marissa's friend up in Salt Lake and then we continued on up to Rexburg in time to make it to the Rexburg parade at 9! After the Rexy parade, we headed over to the Menan parade and fair-type-thing. I wasn't expecting to see anyone I knew in Menan, but while Ris and I were waiting in line for an hour and a half for our tacos, I ran into one of my good friends from my Drawing 1 class! Abby and I spent soo many hours working on projects together trying to understand perspective, proportion, contour lines, value, texture and everything else taught in a beginning drawing class! I was so glad to get that class done and out of the way!
After Menan, we got all of our things together to watch the fireworks in Idaho Falls, but made a stop at the Snake River and went boating for about an hour! In Idaho Falls, we had AMAZING view...we were maybe 150 feet from where the fireworks were launched! We could all feel our hearts skip a beat when the huge ones went off because we were so close! During the finale, Ris put her sunglasses on because it was soo bright! So fun!
Saturday morning, we had amazing gourmet waffles and smoothies--a great way to start the day! The boys took off to go shooting and Ris and I headed over to see Spencer and Erin's new house! It's always a party when Erin's around! It was fun catching up and laughing our heads off! For dinner, we had an amazing BBQ complete with shiskibobs, grilled pineapple, corn on the cob and baked potatoes!! We headed over to Craigo's after dinner to meet up with Spence and Erin for some dessert! We tried taking a picture of the three of us after, but we were totally unsucessful at getting a normal one! One of us was either laughing or we were all looking different places!

I wish we all lived closer together! It was so nice to get out of Provo for the weekend and spend time with good friends!
After Menan, we got all of our things together to watch the fireworks in Idaho Falls, but made a stop at the Snake River and went boating for about an hour! In Idaho Falls, we had AMAZING view...we were maybe 150 feet from where the fireworks were launched! We could all feel our hearts skip a beat when the huge ones went off because we were so close! During the finale, Ris put her sunglasses on because it was soo bright! So fun!
Saturday morning, we had amazing gourmet waffles and smoothies--a great way to start the day! The boys took off to go shooting and Ris and I headed over to see Spencer and Erin's new house! It's always a party when Erin's around! It was fun catching up and laughing our heads off! For dinner, we had an amazing BBQ complete with shiskibobs, grilled pineapple, corn on the cob and baked potatoes!! We headed over to Craigo's after dinner to meet up with Spence and Erin for some dessert! We tried taking a picture of the three of us after, but we were totally unsucessful at getting a normal one! One of us was either laughing or we were all looking different places!

I wish we all lived closer together! It was so nice to get out of Provo for the weekend and spend time with good friends!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
So exciting!!

I can't even remember how I came across THIS site, but I'm soooo glad I did! Spoonflower allows you to upload custom designs to be printed on fabric, but the cool thing about it is that there's no minimum order! Right now the site is just in beta and only a few people are invited every week to participate in their trial period. I got my invitation to join a couple weeks ago, and I JUST uploaded a pattern to see how it turns out!! My fingers are crossed!!!
**Update: I've uploaded 2 more patterns...I'm anxious to see how it turns out!!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Simple truth:
"You never give to get; you give to give."
I read this thought the other day--somehow I come across things like this at the very moment that I need to hear them. Just wanted to share!

I wanted to have a better update on here as it's been a couple weeks, but when I went to plug my camera in, the cord was MIA! But for a fun little update, stop by KATIE & JOE's blog...or for a picture, stop by HERE. Wish I could be out there!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Andrea's Bridal Shower!

Camera update: I got it all ready to send to get fixed and decided I should try turning it on one more time to see if it'd work...don't worry...it turned on and was back to normal. I don't get it.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day! I'm so lucky to have my Dad as my Dad! He has always been a sweet example of righteous living to me. One of my favorite things to get from my dad are his emails that he sends at 4:30 am before he takes off for work. In these emails, he often is just dropping a note to say "hi" or "just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you!" Because of the nature of his work, safety seems to always be on his mind. I often find emails in my inbox from him about safety or the consequences of not being safe. Some recent tips from Dad include:
Don't leave aerosol cans in your car. If the conditions are right, the can will explode and could cause some serious damage.
When sneezing cover both your mouth and nose, and when possible, use a tissue and dispose of the tissue as soon as possible.
Stretch before lifting heavy objects. Use your knees when lifting heavy objects.
Put an ICE number in your cell phone.
Change the batteries in your smoke alarms twice a year.
Before traveling during periods of heavy rains and stormy weather, check on your route of travel for road and weather conditions in the area.
Perhaps one of the best "safety" emails I've received from my dad was sent to me one morning while I was in Nauvoo. It simply said, "I want to encourage you to continue doing all the things that so important to your spiritual health. Your spirit, just like your body, requires regular nourishment! Daily scripture study and private, personal prayers (in your secret “closet” as the New Testament mentions) are so essential. You are always in my prayers as I ask Heavenly Father to keep you safe and to allow you to have the companionship of the Holy Ghost."
Dad, I will forever be grateful for your example in my life. I love you, Dad!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
100 Posts!
Finally!! A new post! I'm kind of getting tired of looking at my birthday post! :) Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes!
This is also a "historic" post for this blog...this is my 100th entry! Yay for me! I think it's time to have another give-away...what do you think? Any ideas for a give-away?? (Side note to Marissa--don't worry--your little Easter Candy Give Away Prize is still in my car ready to be put in the mail! I promise I'll send it off this weekend!!)
The last few weeks have been totally crazy busy, but so fun at the same time! One of the highlights: Channy was here this past weekend!!! We kicked the weekend off at Temple Square and saw the Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. It was so fun seeing this amazing movie together! Our freshman year, we were able to spend a semester in Nauvoo together, so seeing this moving together brought back so many fun memories! We spent the rest of the weekend shopping, eating yummy food, visiting with Channy's sweet 94-year-old grandmother, spending time at Channy's-in-law's house in Midway, playing with a BB gun, watching movies, episodes from this last season of American Idol and and just enjoying each other's company! (Thanks Channy for the picture!)
It's been a busy few weeks with side projects...we're having a bridal shower for one of my roommates next week, so I did up some quick bridal shower announcements:
We've also been working on her wedding announcements...hopefully they'll be done soon! I've been working on a couple other projects on the side, so I'll keep you updated on those as they start coming together! Oh--and sorry about the very yellow camera picture of the shower announcements! Don't worry, my sweet *NEW* camera, yes, THIS one, died on me. Mom just laughed at me when I told her...she's very aware of my struggles with electronic devices! I seem to have the worst luck with things like cameras! Thankfully, this camera is still under warranty and will soon be on it's way to get fixed!
One last thing...I really want to take a letterpress or calligraphy class this summer. If anyone knows anyone in the Provo area that's kinda crafty, let me know! I need a fun summer activity!!
Happy Friday-the-Thirteenth (tomorrow)! Ah!
This is also a "historic" post for this blog...this is my 100th entry! Yay for me! I think it's time to have another give-away...what do you think? Any ideas for a give-away?? (Side note to Marissa--don't worry--your little Easter Candy Give Away Prize is still in my car ready to be put in the mail! I promise I'll send it off this weekend!!)
The last few weeks have been totally crazy busy, but so fun at the same time! One of the highlights: Channy was here this past weekend!!! We kicked the weekend off at Temple Square and saw the Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. It was so fun seeing this amazing movie together! Our freshman year, we were able to spend a semester in Nauvoo together, so seeing this moving together brought back so many fun memories! We spent the rest of the weekend shopping, eating yummy food, visiting with Channy's sweet 94-year-old grandmother, spending time at Channy's-in-law's house in Midway, playing with a BB gun, watching movies, episodes from this last season of American Idol and and just enjoying each other's company! (Thanks Channy for the picture!)

One last thing...I really want to take a letterpress or calligraphy class this summer. If anyone knows anyone in the Provo area that's kinda crafty, let me know! I need a fun summer activity!!
Happy Friday-the-Thirteenth (tomorrow)! Ah!
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