Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Back To Provo

Blogging from 10,000+ feet up! This is a first for me: free wifi on my flight and live TV...currently catching up on news and The Office is up next! Orlando was great, but cold! So much for going to the beach and getting tan, right? :) I don't know that I'm ready to head back to the snow!

Need some help coming up with a New Year's Resolution (or a few resolutions)? Check out this Resolution Generator!
We were talking about resolutions last night in the spa, and one of my goals for 2010 is to go to lunch or dinner with a friend every month just to catch up! I find myself saying too frequently, "let's get together soon," or "let's catch up!" but then never follow through. Now I don't have an excuse! Let me know if you want to do lunch! :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I should be cleaning, packing, organizing, wrapping, cleaning, packing, cleaning, shopping, filing, cleaning, organizing, folding laundry, and sleeping right now, but I keep finding little things to be distracted by. I leave tomorrow afternoon and I couldn't be more excited to leave this: because I'll soon be enjoying this:I'm done with the snow.

Be Prepared To Laugh!

Dad only forwards on the best of the best emails, and this one is for sure one of the best! This one is ten times better than the Jib Jab dancing elves...promise!
Type in any Christmas carol and be prepared to laugh! My favorites are "Carol of the Bells" and "Jingle Bell Rock."

Click here. (Thanks for sharing Dad!)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Bow Love

I had to get in on the bow action tonight! I pulled out some felt and twisted this sweet bow together...simple and cute, right?? This tutorial is fantastic! (How About Orange is one of my faves!) I was already planning on making a few of these gift bows, but seeing it in felt made me love felt even more than I already do!

Lynn on the Pebbles Design Team made a bow out of some scrapbook paper which is really cute, too! Check it out!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dad (I mean Santa)!

(Circa 1989.)

I was flipping through my scrapbook the other night looking for something and came across this note I left Santa 20 years ago--written on dot matrix printer paper! Ha! My favorite part about this note was Santa's hand writing...aka Dad's handwriting disguised with little curls on each letter! I remember thinking that Santa had the coolest handwriting! (Make sure you click on the image so you can see the cute curls!) Finding this little gem made me could you not?

It's official--I have the best dad ever! I wish I could give you a big birthday hug, but I'm excited to see you next week in Florida!!

Love you Santa Dad! Hope you have a fantastic birthday!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Week of Weird Dreams

It's been a weird week for dreams. For some reason I've remembered every dream from the last five or so days when I wake up in the morning, which is pretty unusual for me...and they are weird and crazy dreams! Monday morning I woke up from a private Adam Lambert concert...he found out that the light bulbs in my room were burned out, so he came to change them for me and decided to give my apartment a private concert! I asked if I could invite some friends over, but he said "no." (Sorry Katie, Tessa, Kate and Melissa...I tried!) He sang us his new single "Whataya Want From Me" and that was the end of the concert and I woke up! Weird.
Monday nights are the best night because one of my *favorite* shows is on--Antiques Roadshow!! Love it. (I secretly want to go on that show!) The last item that was appraised before I fell asleep was this Confederate Belt Buckle. Tuesday morning I woke up laughing! In my dream, I was the person with the belt buckle having it appraised and I ended up arguing with Rafael (the appraiser and yes, I know his name...moving along...) telling him that he didn't know what he was talking about, and that my belt buckle was worth a whole lot more than $10,000!

I'm not sure what all these weird dreams mean...if anything at all!

Oh...and I could use a little extra luck sent my way tomorrow and Friday. A local radio station is giving away tickets to the Michael Buble concert in March and I just think that I should win the tickets, don't you agree? Wish me luck!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Proof That Claire is Cooler Than Me

I visited Katharine's blog this morning to find THE FUNNIEST pictures of Claire and Luke! (Luke is Kath's totally cute boy!) Claire gets what she wants! Watch out Katie & Joe...Claire still has 15 years til she's date-able age! Good luck with that one! :)

And ps...I think they're pretty cute together, if I do say so myself!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


It's probably about 15° outside right now. I've been cold all day. Instead of having a cup of hot chocolate or some other warm morsel of goodness, I just had a bowl of fruit slushee. Why? Because it's soo good! Problem: it's a cold treat. Mom made fruit slushee over Thanksgiving and it's probably one of my favorite snacks. Super easy, quick and good. I think I've made it for myself 3 times in the last week! I'm sure you're wondering how to make fruit slushee by now, and because I'm so nice, I'll share the recipe :)

Fruit Slushee
1 can of crushed pineapple
1 can of grapefruit
2 or 3 bananas

Blend all ingredients (juice included) until pureed. Pour into a 9 x 13 glass pan and freeze for a few hours. Once frozen, cut into squares, put a few cubes into a bowl and pour Sprite or 7Up over it and enjoy!

Super easy and perfect for holiday get-togethers in the upcoming weeks!

Happy Weekend!

I'm headed to work for a few hours this afternoon, but thought I should at least check in!

Can you believe it's already DECEMBER??? Geez. I'm not sure where this year went. I have my silver Christmas tree up in my bedroom and I love it! One day I'll have a real aluminum tree, but for now my fake silver tree works! I love keeping it plugged in all night long and falling asleep to the twinkling light coming from the corner...kind of how I like falling asleep to a movie. It's fantastic!

Happy Saturday!

Love, me.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tom & Lucy Art Shoppe Is Now Open!

(cell phone quality photo...yes, my camera is MIA at the moment.)

The Art Shoppe is now open! Come stop by! Tons of cute things to buy...specifically journals made from vintage books and cake stands made with vintage dishes! (Sometimes I can be shameless! :) The Shoppe is open til Saturday afternoon in Lehi off the Alpine Highway. Click on that little blinking button on the right side there for directions! Oh...and there's a little better view of the quilt!

And one last thing...big day brother, Chris, is getting married! Wahoo! Chris and Holly will be getting married HERE...isn't it beautiful??!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Consider Yourself Invited!

Tom & Lucy's Art Shoppe starts TOMORROW and goes til Saturday! Come stop by! Super fun things for sale...the perfect place to stop for Christmas shopping!

See you there!

Some Things Take Time...Right?

Happy early Christmas to me!!!! Remember the quilt I started (*cough*) a year ago??? It might finally be finished!! Wahoo!!!! I haven't put it down all night! Mom sneakily got it quilted for me and dropped it off today! I couldn't be more excited about turned out so beautiful!! I'll get a better pic of it this weekend when Dad comes with his new toy (super fancy-schmancy camera)!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Just My Luck...

...especially after just having my bumper fixed!

Saturday afternoon, I was leaving a store and walked toward my car to find that the back end was completely smashed! I could not believe it--especially because it had only been three days since I had the new bumper put on! I walked closer to inspect the damage and see if there was a note. "Great," I thought. No note. No one around to claim responsibility. No one standing around who might have seen the accident. I got my camera out to take pictures of the scene. (I always carry my camera with me for situations like this!) It seemed crazy that my car would get hit that bad in a parking lot! I was trying to figure out how someone would've hit my car head-on.

Then I looked to the next aisle over and saw my car. Phew.


Oh. One more thing. Cutest niece award definitely goes to Ms. Claire:Total Babe. Wanna see more pics? (Of course you do.) Click on over to Katie & Joe's blog!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Name That Logo Quiz

I scored 35/36...can you get all of them?? Click here.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Be Careful...

...what you wish for!

Last Thursday as I was leaving work, I looked at the rear bumper on my car and wished for a new one. I had parking stickers from three years ago still reminding me of the good old days at Tuscany and Autumn Winds that were peeling off in shreds. They looked so tacky! I have a hard time putting stickers on my car in the first place, and to have a huge sticker that says "Rexburg Housing" on your bumper is quite tragic, in my opinion. I continued on my way home thinking of ways I could get those pesky stickers off, but couldn't come up with anything I hadn't already tried.

A few minutes later, I found myself peacefully stopped at a light on State Street....but not for long. I was rear-ended. Lame! We exchanged info and were on our way. Good news: no injuries. Bad news: broken bumper.

I dropped my car off yesterday morning and picked it up this afternoon. Now, less than a week later, I have myself a new bumper...sans parking stickers! Wishes do come true!

And because I like to put up pictures...just a couple from our little birthday party for Ms Claire last night!

Claire in her birthday rocking chair and snow boots!
Claire in her piggy pajamas and ABC magnets!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Handmade Birthday!

Little Miss Claire is one today!! Can't hardly believe it's already been a year since she was's hard to imagine life without that lil' munchkin!

When I saw this alphabet tutorial, I thought it'd be perfect for Claire! My alphabet didn't *quite* turn out as good as the photo in the tutorial, but it works, right? :)

Lessons learned:
• sewing machines and magnets (and needles!) don't mix well
• make the letters a little bigger next time
• next time I'll be sewing by hand
• perfect way to use up small scraps of fabric

I think they turned out pretty cute for round one. I learned a few things and will change it up a little next time!

Happy Birthday, Claire!

(next major purchase: a camera!!)

Pics from when Claire was born here and here. Crazy to think this was a year ago! Time flies...

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Such a great weekend! Friday we all got dressed up and headed out for the night--Stake Halloween activity and a Halloween party that our friends were throwing. Good times! No pics...I know, lame.

Saturday morning we had a birthday breakfast for Matt at Callie's Cafe! Watch out...their waitresses have questionable side jobs and are willing to give you a little sneak peek on your birthday! It made for some good laughs! (Counter-clockwise: Dane, Britt, Jared, Ashley, Pat, Paul, me, Matt.)

Saturday afternoon, we were invited to go up to Stew's family's place to go shooting and spend some time at his home. We had a total blast! It was Michelle's first time and she did awesome! It was a beautiful day to go--not too cold, not too hot until the sun went down. We shot clay pigeons and we also took all of our carved fun! Britt made a couple of bulls upset...they weren't too happy with us being on their property! I had a good day shooting--I beat the boys in our little competition! (Dad says it's not such a good thing to beat boys at things like this...not a good way to get a husband. I don't know if I completely agree...I've gotta keep 'em in their place! :) Haha!)

(Left to right: Brandon, me, Josh, Stew, Britt and Michelle)

It's been a great weekend! Good to relax a little before a busy week. Mom's coming in on Tuesday for (pretty much) the month of November. We have lots to do! Little Claire turns one on Tuesday, too...I can't believe she'll be a year already! Last week I got rear-ended, so my car will be in the shop this week. Boo.

I'm starting to feel anxious for the holidays now that Halloween is out of the way! (I like Halloween, but it's definitely not my fave!) I hope to find time to enjoy the season and not rush through it! I have a feeling that Christmas music will start playing soon and I have mixed feelings about that one...I'm trying to decide when I want to break out the Christmas CDs in my car...maybe in a few weeks!

Monday, October 26, 2009

LinnieBell Cake Stands and Candy Dishes and More!

Tom & Lucy's Art Shoppe is coming up and mom and I will be there selling cake stands/candy dishes made from antique dishes, journals made from old books and some cards! It's going to be a busy brother will be getting married the same weekend (hooray!!!!) so I'm sure we'll be running from one thing to another! This is just a quick pic of some of the cake stands...kinda fun and quirky and are perfect for holiday parties! Come stop by the boutique and say hi!

Tom and Lucy's Art Shoppe
November 19th - 21st
Ivory Ridge Country Club
32 East Clubview Lane
Lehi, UT 84043

Trunk or Treat!

Our ward was having a "Trunk or Treat" for children in the area at our apartment complex and I've been dying to see Claire in her costume! I begged Katie to bring her over, and I was so glad they came! Claire rocked the boots in her little outfit...she couldn't have been cuter! The best part was when Michael Jackson's "Thriller" was playing and Claire was totally shakin' her booty...she was definitely the cutest girl there!

I think I'm done with candy for the year...I think today alone I had a month's worth of candy! I have a feeling it's going to be hard to fall asleep tonight! :)

What Happens in Britt's Car...

...doesn't stay in Britt's Car!

Roomie Britt needed to run an errand tonight (to delay studying for a major exam tomorrow) and being the funny girls that we are, we put wigs (yes, the wig from here and here) on to run the errand. The cashier at Rite Aid did not know what to do! We did *such* a good job keeping straight faces (which I'm not usually good at!), but as soon as we got outside, we could hardly contain ourselves! People were looking at us wondering what the heck we were doing!

Britt decided that we should make a couple more stops before going home, so we ran by the Tanner Building at BYU and snapped a quick pic:

Ha, ha...we're so funny! As we were pulling out of the parking lot, red and blue lights started flashing behind us...

Yes, we were being pulled over. Lame. We both ripped the wigs off as fast as possible and tried to figure out why we were being pulled over. Reason: forgetting to turn the head lights on! Lame. Officer Lamehead was nice to let Britt off with just a warning, but told her that she'd better not make a habit of forgetting to turn her lights on! Needless to say, we went straight home without making any more stops. What a night.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Slice of Rexburg

Behold, the goodness that is Craigo's Pizza:
Welcome to Provo, Craigo's!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

From Sharon's Back Porch

To say that it's been a crazy month would be an understatement!

Mom and I took the most wonderful vacation a couple weeks ago back East to tag along with my Aunt Sharon and her gang to go antiquing in Pennsylvania! We had such a great time and it was so fun getting to know Sharon and her family a little better over the two weeks that we were there! The first week was filled with antiquing--literally all day long! I tried to keep track of all the places we went, but I lost track after the first day!

I've been looking for a hope chest/blanket chest for a few years now, and I finally found one that I fell in love with! It's very simple, but it's exactly what I wanted. The dealer thought that it was built in the 1850's or 1860's. Unfortunately I won't be enjoying it for a while. It's currently still back East; mom and I will be needing to make another trip back there next year to pick up all of our goods that didn't fit in our luggage!

The second week we spent down in Virginia at Sharon's place and visited a handful of historical places--Stratford (Robert E Lee's birthplace), Monticello, the local pizza parlor, the library, the ice cream shop. (Trust me...the last three places were historical places of interest!) I think that my favorite place that we spent time was down at the lake off Sharon's back quiet and peaceful!

Mom and I went down to the lake one night just as the sun was setting, the moon was coming up over the hills and a flock of noisy geese were coming in to land on the lake. We couldn't stop laughing at these's as if there was a huge reunion between them all and they were having a huge party! Sharon warned us that there might be snakes down by the lake, and so Mom and I did our fair share of scaring each other as we were walking to and from the lake!

It was such a great break to just take off and try not to worry about anything else. It's such a beautiful time of year. The trees were just starting to turn and the weather couldn't have been more perfect! Thanks Mom and Sharon for letting me tag along this trip! How about next year???

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Watch Out!

This girl is officially 16 and is ready to drive!!! Sarah turned 16 a week and a half ago, but due to a lost SS card, had to wait a little longer than she probably wanted to get her license, but the day has come! Tomorrow Sarah's going in for her license...good luck baby cakes!! :)

(I think the person MOST excited about this is more driving kids around!)

*Update: Sarah can officially drive without parental supervision! Watch out! Congrats, Sarah!!!!

Lovin' Me Some Elmo

Little Claire is sick with a double ear infection right sad! This little monkey hasn't ever been this sick, so it's kind of weird having her be cuddly and just want to be held! SO, in honor of happier times, I thought it'd be appropriate to share some funny pics of Claire when she was over here the other night. :)

She had just gotten out of the tub and I sat her down so I could get her PJs, and when I turned around to get her, the little jay-bird had climbed up on the chair and had somehow hit the right keys on the keyboard to get an Elmo video to start playing on youtube--her favorite!

She has a couple faves right now: Elmo with Feist singing "1, 2, 3, 4," Elmo's Song, and Elmo with the Ducks. She loves to dance and whistle along to the songs!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Did you know...

• that members of the mafia have summer homes in New Jersey and drive black Hummers with tinted windows?

• that when gas stations have their lights out, that it means they're being robbed and you should just keep on driving?

• that when you see a good deal at an antique shop, you should just buy it right then? (If you vocalize that it's a good deal, someone *without fail* will have heard you and swipe the said item out from under you.)

• that shopping without a fanny pack isn't essential? (I survived--and spent plenty of money--without using a a fanny pack!)

• that my mom hasn't changed in 35 years (according to her junior high school friend)?

• that sitting in the back seat (where you can't see what's going on up ahead) is the best place to be?

• that eating ice cream (especially from McDonald's) every day is essential to a well-balanced diet? And that when you pour hot fudge on ice cream, it'll melt a little?

• that change (according to some people) is NOT a good thing?

• that "keep it on the double-nickels" means keep your speed under 55 -OR- keep at least two wheels of the car on the ground at all times?

• that I love my Aunt Sharon and Uncle (Leo!) Cliff and have loved spending the last week and a half with them?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall

Fall has finally arrived and I couldn't be more excited! I love when the seasons's always a welcome change in my book!

I'm on my way home right now, and tomorrow morning, mom and I are headed back East to spend sometime "antiquing" with her sister, Sharon! This is my first time on a big antiquing trip, and I've been informed that there are quite a few rules that I'll need to follow while we're shopping.

Rule number 1: you must use a fanny pack to carry your money.

Strangely enough, I don't have a fanny pack. I'm hoping that I don't get made fun of too much for not using a fanny pack.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Have you seen the MormonMessages Channel on YouTube? I love watching the short videos the Church has put together--short, inspiring videos that are a good reminder of what is really important in life. A new video was just posted a couple days ago, and President Uchtdoft shares his feelings on hope: "hope has the power to fill our lives with happiness..." Enjoy.

Oh...and want to see another great MormonMessages video? Check out that little video on the right of the blog. The little baby in that one?? Oh yeah...that's baby Claire and Katie!! :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lunchtime Treat

I think it's time to get that last post out of the way! :)

What's the best part about eating at Zupas for lunch?? Oh yes, the chocolate covered strawberry! It's the perfect way to finish off my turkey, bacon and avocado panini (sans tomatoes)!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Please, Have A Seat and Enjoy.

For the record, I didn't go into Broadcast Journalism for a reason! :)

Onto the story! I went up to the KSL studios in Salt Lake City this morning to demo a sweet-action flip book on their talk show, "Studio 5," for Pebbles in my Pocket. I got there a few minutes early, so I was just waiting in the lobby until I was escorted back to the studio. As I was waiting, I could hear a familiar voice coming from down the hallway...someone with an English accent. Sure enough, it was Alex Boye! He was on the show this morning, too, for their segment "What's He Thinking?" It was fun to see him and knowing someone else at the studio I think calmed some nerves! It was rather funny watching him...he's such a natural in front of the camera, and I'm *so* not!

This is Alex's segment (it gets good at about the 4 minute mark...Alex talks about his style and they all talk about skinny's quite funny! Everyone was dying in the studio laughing!):

A few minutes before I was to go on, the Stage Manager hooked me up with the mic. He must've done this a million times before, because he sure was comfortable adjusting everything for the mic, if you know what I mean! Anyways, the time came for me to be on. To say that I was nervous is just a *slight* understatement!

I called my sister, Katie, as soon as it was over, and the first thing she said to me was, " your voice sure sounded weird!" A couple other people said my voice really doesn't sound like this...if it does sound like this to you, I apologize! I hate listening to myself! :)

Now that I've watched it a few times, I just think the whole thing is funny! I feel awkward putting this up, but I think it's rather amusing and it's worth documenting the experience! Laugh it up, laugh it up!

Busy weekend "To Do" list is a bazillion miles long for the weekend! We'll see if I get everything done!

Get Ready... laugh! If you're in Utah, tune in to Studio 5 at 11:00 and I promise you'll have a good laugh. Just keep in mind I'm not really crafty. More info on this later this afternoon.

And yes, I'm being vague on purpose.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I think of everyone in my family, I was most excited that my sister Katie and her little family stayed in Provo for the summer! The last two summers, Katie has called Washington DC her home and I was kind of dreading her taking off again this summer for several reasons, but couldn't have been more excited when they made their decision to stay!

We had a wedding reception at my parent's home one of the nights that we were home a few weeks back. All the furniture was cleared out of the living room and family room, and (when we probably should've been cleaning,) Katie and I found ourselves down on the hardwood floor laughing about nothing in particular and taking crazy pictures. I have loved the time we've been able to spend together this summer!

And one more Katie story: I came home last night after seeing "UP" and found a plate full of *amazing* brownies left on my desk from Katie! It was the perfect way to end my Monday night. Everyone needs a Katie in their life!

Monday, August 31, 2009

DIY: Mousepad Edition

Yay for pretty mousepads! My mouse was struggling, and until today, I got by with putting some paper under it and it would kind of work. I broke down this afternoon and paid the $2.50 for a mousepad. (I probably could've found a free one somewhere!) The blue wasn't working for me, so I got out some fabric and fusible interfacing and went to work. Five minutes later, I had a pretty new mousepad!

My Lil' Cowgirl & Lonestar!

One of my favorite things to do with Claire is play dress up and for the most part, she's a pretty good sport. I got her little cowboy boots out last night and she looks like a total babe in them! The best is watching her walk around while she's wearing them...her first couple steps are a little wobbly, then she takes off running around! I need to get her a little denim skirt and plaid shirt...maybe for Halloween??
Lonestar was in town on Friday night--it was such a great concert!! It was fun singing and dancing and spending time with good friends. Steve claims that he was "pleasantly surprised" by the concert...I don't think country is his thing! :) Michelle and I went down to the front and lost our hearing for a couple was so loud! Fave songs from the concert: Amazed, I'm Already There, My Front Porch Looking In, Walking in Memphis, What About Now, and You Walked In. This was definitely the best concert of the summer (the Bee Gees Tribute Band comes in at a close second...)!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

DIY: Pinboard Edition

I saw this post on design*sponge a few weeks back and was inspired to make my own pinboard! Katie and I had a successful trip to DI last week and I found the perfect frame for $3.00! As soon as I spotted the frame, another lady had picked it up and put it in her basket...I thought I lost it. She put it back a few minutes later, and I snatched it up before she could change her mind!

A little bit of white paint and some cork board covered in burlap and voila...a new pinboard! Super easy! I love it!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Chocolate For Lunch

This was my lunch today:Ashlee brought in the most delicious chocolate cake was so good! I was close to asking for the recipe, but I'm not so sure that would be a good idea.

Elder Bowerman

Tonight's the night I'll say "good bye" to my little buddy, Marshall! I can hardly believe it's time to see him off! The tears flow when I think about him being gone for two years, but I know he's going to be one amazing missionary for the Church. He will be set apart as a full time missionary tonight and start traveling to Brazil tomorrow and arrive at the Missionary Training Center in Sao Paulo on Wednesday.

I love this little picture of Marsh. I think this was taken when he was in kindergarten or 1st grade. His class had gone on a field trip and they talked about all the things they could be when they grew up. Marshall came home from school with this around his neck..."Marshall wants to be a Missionary!" He's wanted to serve a mission since he was young...what a great example!

Be sure and check out Marshall's blog that we'll be updating throughout his mission,!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Yesterday was just one of those days. I went to bed pretty exhausted...I think it was because I exercised so many emotional muscles that hadn't been used in quite some time. It wasn't any one particular thing. More like lots of little things. Ever have days like that?

The day couldn't have ended any better. I picked up my brother in law and niece at the airport and it was so good to see baby Claire again. ( was good to see you again, too!) When we got home, Katie had picked up my favorite cupcake from the Sweet Tooth Fairy...Va-NIE-lla Squared.
I'm grateful for days like yesterday. I had the lyrics to "More Holiness Give Me" running through my head:

More holiness give me, more strivings within.
More patience in suffering, more sorrow for sin.
More faith in my Savior, more sense of His care.
More joy in His service, more purpose in prayer.

More gratitude give me, more trust in the Lord.
More zeal for His glory, more hope in His Word.
More tears for His sorrows, more pain at His grief.
More meekness in trial, more praise for relief.

More purity give me, more strength to o’ercome,
More freedom from earth-stains, more longings for home.
More fit for the kingdom, more useful I’d be,
More blessed and holy, more, Savior, like Thee.


Yesterday will be a day I always remember.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ready for the Weekend

Several fun projects on my "To Do" list this weekend...I can't wait to get started! We're (hopefully) going to see this play tonight...keeping our fingers crossed that it doesn't get rained out!
Love, love, love these beautiful! I'm wishing I had some on my desk right about now!
1. simple + pretty.
2. decor8.
3. a field journal.
4. decor8.

happy weekend!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


N.M.B. = No More Blocks.First, you need to understand that our office is in the basement of Pebbles in my Pocket. (I recommend stopping by the store if you've never's great! Anyway...) Directly above our office is (unfortunately) the play area for children. Sometimes the parents are responsible and keep their children under control, but more often than not, the kids are let loose to roam the store at their pleasure. (Sometimes kids make their way down to the offices. Then they kindly get escorted back upstairs and handed back over to the parental unit.)

Until today, these blocks were part of the play area. After an hour of kids stacking the blocks and then making their towers crash this afternoon, it was unanimously decided that the blocks were no longer suitable toys for the play area. Everyone at Pebbles is hoping that this will help with the noise factor. We'll see. I'm sure these monster kids will find something else that makes loud noise!

and ps...I think I feel a cold coming on. It's was 95º today, and I wore jeans and a long sleeve hoodie. Something is really wrong with this. Or maybe I'm just getting ready for fall? It's hard to believe school is starting in these parts of the country next week. Crazy.

Dang it.

Strawberry Jam Showdown update: no win for me. Boo! It was close, but Ash pulled ahead at the last second and won the SJS. We had 7 people testing the two jams which were mysteriously marked with a heart and a star, so that no one would know which jam belonged to who. Ash won, 4 votes to 3. (I like to think that if we had two more people, the votes would've gone in my favor--ha!)

We also had rolls from Shirley's Bakery and the Lion House Pantry...just for the record, Shirley's dinner rolls are waaay better! (Lion House is good, but you can't beat Shirley's!)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Family Time

Just a few (or maybe more than a few) pictures from this weekend! It was so great to be home together as a family and to spend time together. It's hard to believe that it'll be two years til I see my buddy again -- I know that he's ready to go, but I'm just not sure that I'm ready for him to go!

Marshall, Claire and I flew out Wednesday morning. For all intents and purposes, Claire was my child for the flight out to St. Louis. Katie flew home later Wednesday afternoon, but was very trusting of us to take her baby girl on our flight.
First things first: set up the swimming pool. Second: apply sunscreen. Apply again. Third: Swim. Claire loved the pool and couldn't get enough of it!
Katie and I shared this bed growing up for a few years and shared the bed this weekend! It was my mom's bed when she was growing up. It's old and it squeaks (a lot) so I used to have socks tied on the hinges to control the squeak factor. I love this bed! We have many funny memories from sharing this bed and it was fun staying up and chatting the night away!
We had a wedding reception at the homestead on Friday evening, and Claire had to get in on the cleaning action. She could not get enough of the broom! Claire loved looking at and inspecting all of the grunge that was swept up...eww.
We kicked off Saturday morning by going for a fun bike ride! We borrowed a bike trailer for Claire and she loved it -- so much so, that she passed out about half way through! Along the way, we were able to see some of Dad's work project in progress...a huge pipeline that originates in Alberta, Canada and makes it's way down to the refinery and eventually reach the Gulf Coast.
Bowerman kiddos: Marshall, Sarah, Chris, Katie, me.
Last pictures with my Buddy. (Can you tell we love each other?)
Group hugs!
Marshall and his girls! (Note Mom's cute!)
Last family pics for two years!
At the last few family get-togethers, Marshall and I have been the single ones...and so instead of bringing a 'significant other,' I decided that Marshall was going to be my 'significant brother...' He tolerates me! :) We've been able to spend a lot of time together this summer and I'm going to miss having him around! I'm so proud of Marsh for deciding to serve a mission. Marshall has such a good heart and has wanted to serve a mission since he was young. I can't wait until he's in Brazil and hear about all of his experiences!